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Teachers are naturally skilled at improvisation and maximizing value from available resources. Those skills haven't disappeared as many school districts and universities continue to hold classes remotely. With many companies offering free-to-use educational technology products, 尤其是视频服务, it's prudent to take some time to assess the risk of the tool you bring into your online classroom.

最著名的, most poorly understood law impacting teachers when evaluating the risk of an educational technology product is FERPA, 《家庭教育权利和隐私法. It's a federal law that guarantees access to the educational records for the parents or guardians of minor students, while protecting educational records from everyone else —including the parents of adult students, 谁可能为学生支付学费. 自2002年联合国.S. 最高法院的裁决 贡扎加v. 美国能源部, FERPA不提供任何可强制执行的个人权利. Students and families cannot sue a teacher or a school district for a FERPA violation; instead, they file a form with the Department of Education (DOE) describing the vio­lation. The DOE then serves as investigator, judge, and jury on the complaint. Its outcome is either a decision that the school acted in compliance, or, 如果没有, the school is given specific instructions on how to remedy its non-compliance. If the remedies are not acted upon, the school can lose federal funding. 因此, FERPA对学校来说是一项至关重要的法律, 教师在维护FERPA合规方面发挥着重要作用. 然而, school administrators too often use FERPA as a blanket excuse to deny a teacher's attempt to use technology creatively.

Of utmost importance is having a clear definition of "education record," which the Department of Education provides: "those records that contain 信息 directly related to a student and which are maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution." Both clauses are critical here: For 信息 to be FERPA-protected, 它必须是关于一个特定的学生, 而不是聚集在一群学生身上, 而且它 has to be 信息 that the school curates or contracts someone to curate on its behalf. 成绩, 考勤信息, and registration 信息 are all education records that cannot legally be shared outside of a school's designated communication systems. Since the Department of Education is the absolute authority on FERPA compliance, 随着时间变化, 小心支付是极其重要的 注意它 随时间更新的指导.

FERPA之外的隐私风险也需要权衡. 在美国,任何人都可以起诉任何人.S. if quantifiable damages, as well as intent to harm or negligence to prevent harm, can be proven. Schools in most states confer limited qualified immunity on teachers and schools, 公共和私人, but the ease with which students can sue a teacher varies widely by jurisdiction: A search for "tort immunity" and the name of your state should get you headed in the right direction. (或者,向你的教师工会或学校的法律办公室查询.) My advice is to avoid making students record themselves on camera for schoolwork, 尤其是当视频是由免费服务托管时, 而服务条款通常规定的是永久的, 不可撤销的, 所有用户内容的平台免版税许可. It's best to give students a way to complete their work without revealing their living conditions, 这可能会导致损害.

By far, the greatest risk factor is accessibility for disabilities, both sensory and cognitive. The primary federal regulations are the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The most common way that K–12 schools comply with IDEA is through Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) negotiated between schools and a student's family. Staying within the agreed guidelines of your students' IEPs and making a good-faith effort to maintain contact with their families are the best ways to avoid having your creative classroom activities cause legal risk for you or your school.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


当学生们读完高二的时候, they should know how much they have yet to learn about financial literacy and maybe even have a good idea of what they want to do in life. This is where streaming media comes in: Online video and books can provide for rich, specialized independent study to any community with motivated students.


The revolutionary change over the past 10 years has made production technologies accessible to teachers and even students. 四年前, 当然, almost everyone was forced to rely on educational video to keep schools asfunctional as possible. 今天, we can identify several use cases of teacher-produced educational video that are particularly effective.


Educators learned a lot about video learning over the last 18 months. 大多数学校将在今年秋天重新开学, how do you integrate those new skills and techniques into the physical classroom?


One of the few upsides of the pandemic is that many schools whose students were on the wrong side of the digital divide now have access to high-speed internet


是时候“升级”你的视频教学策略了. 这里有一些概念可以帮助你做到这一点.

寻求改进教育视频? 首先改善音频

When schools go shopping for video production hardware, they should make audio quality a priority. 以下是购买新麦克风时需要注意的事项.